Movie ReView for "US"
Jordan Peele takes a second swing at the horror genre, with "Us", starring Winston Duke and Lupita Nyong'o.
As a fan of "Get Out"(2017), Peele' s first attempt at writing/directing in the horror genre, it was hard to go into this film without expecting anything short of brilliant. Still, I cleared my head, removed any expectations and went into theatres with an open mind. For a few reasons, I'm glad I did.
A vacationing family of four, is terrorized by a group of people that look identical to them.
A strange series of events reveals a strange connection between the two families.
*Spoiler Alert
Overall the characters in the film were portrayed in outstanding fashion with one character sticking out like a sore thumb. Adelaide Wilson (Nyong'o), and the children Zora (Shahadi Wright Joseph) and Jason (Even Alex) all did things according to real life
scenarios. They acted as if they were really in danger and in moments that required them to act, take charge, or to be aggressive, we saw them do whatever was best to preserve
themselves and the family. And then there's the father. Gabe Wilson (Winston Duke) was a fish out of water in nearly every scenario. There were times when he completely
separated himself from the rest of the family in order to pull off some half baked
scheme to remove one of the threats. Times, plural. This happened more than
once. The rest of the family, and the over all direction of the film makes up for these gripes.
The sandy beaches, the amusement park, the tunnels and the homes featured in this film were captured perfectly from various angles. There were times when you could feel the camera telling the story without dialog or action from the characters.
The infamous "I Got Five On It" remix teased in the trailer made a rather late appearance. Still there were plenty of musical tones to lighten the mood when necessary, and add tension at the perfect times.
*Overall Review
Check it out.
There are plenty of themes and underlying subject matter to explore while still enjoying a film that's good on the surface. I myself was a bit divided on how I felt about the film while watching, but by the end my mind was made up. Jordan Peele has another hit on his hands and we undoubtedly have months of theories to explore on the "true message"
behind this film.