InDepth Wit DeShawn Hayes
We had the pleasure of talking with DeShawn Hayes and so, we went "InDepth wit DeShawn Hayes" to see and understand some of the moves he's been making currently, and the last few years. I first heard of DeShawn from keeping an eye on Saginaw High School Trojans football. I can recall at the time, wondering how he got away and ended up at Heritage. lol Mind you, Im old School. But he carved up many as a running back for Heritage and football is a sport he still loves. He also understands the wear and tear, as I've seen him post about issues player's may go thru during and after their careers. Sports is just
Written by
Jeremy "J-Jack"

one of many things that he has touched. But, we'll read more from DeShawn himself....
I am a fashion influencer & philanthropist who’s aiming to help the world become a better place 1 day at a time. Amongst that, I am also a creative director with film & photography. To add, I am an assistant to many artists helping them to create a unique and marketable image for themselves, whether that be clothing, public speaking or scouting talent.
Next we decided to see what the movement he created was all about. On cleaning up our Communities and does Sports have any similarities ...
#SPOTitSNAGit is a movement created by myself and a close friend of mine, JEFF WEGNER, who are dedicated to Cleaning our communities. This is very important for FUTURE GENERATIONS and we believe that adding a common bond between like-minded
individuals will continue to fuel this global conversation about ending our pollution epidemic. Proudly use #SPOTitSNAGit to tag your inspiring stories, accomplishments, and daily eco-friendly impacts. Together we are so special and can truly CHANGE THE WORLD. I do see similarities with being a former athlete and creating this mission with #SPOTitSNAGit. Everyday is PRACTICE & GAME TIME. There are no days off because I look at this movement as a TEAM EFFORT and PRACTICE to be a better version of ourselves everyday. I consider everyone a TEAMMATE and I hold them accountable in terms of doing a better job for our children and the youth who are looking up to us.

Next, we wanted to know, what is "Shop With Hayes" and if he has any other businesses that we didn't know about. As a true businessman, he informed us in a timely manner....
#SHOPwithHAYES The services I provide will allow you to have an individualized look on a budget; finding a specific item of clothing (designer/style), taking a general idea of what the customer is going for (vintage, classy, business, etc.) and creating a look, and consulting for specific event wardrobes (baby shower, fashion events, birthday etc). We then are able to reflect ideas back and forth throughout the process as far as what they may want. Customers and
I often send photos of ideas back and forth giving more insight on the look they may be going for. After the wardrobe is put together, I am then able to provide assistance in finding the right accessories, as those are also important in tying any look together. Allow yourself to inspire others. I have a company named "SLIM PAPERS" which produces the BEST ROLLING PAPERS in the world. I am currently in process of opening an IMAGE CONSULTANT office. I have a few more ventures that are still under the radar and being worked on.
Lastly, we wanted to know if he was still playing football... I am currently retired from football but have an opportunity to go back to Canada and Continue my career if I want to. I am still undecided on that aspect of my life considering the impact football has on the Brain.
If I don’t end up returning to the field, I will be looking to get into training & coaching the youth who want to excel at the sport and be great. Either way, I’m never too far from the sport and will continue to give back to the game of football that helped me become who I am today.