Images provided by Chip Fu
You don't have to be a Hip Hop'er and know EVERYONE that does Hip Hop Music but you SHOULD do your research, if you are a Hip Hop'er and really want to know and learn Hip Hop History. Many of Us don't have to do research on our current Interview. He really needs no introduction, as the Hip Hop Community and so many that he inspired, already know his accomplishments within the Culture. First off, Thank You Chip Fu! We know time is very valuable!! Hope all is well. How are you doing?
I'm doing very well. I can’t complain. Preparing the new album.
Going back before Fu-Schnickens, what did you see yourself as or inspire to be, before Music or did you see yourself involved in Music even as a child?
I didn’t play sports. I was into break dancing and pop locking, so I fell into this thing called hip hop. I started writing and I got bit by the emcee bug and kept going. I loved music since day one but I never knew I’d be so entrenched in the culture as I am today.
Can you sum up or describe the growing scene in New York for Hip Hop in the 80’s and some of the contests you entered, that helped build your reputation as an MC, for our readers?
It was bubbling man! Hip Hop was bubbling hard in the 80s and then things got different in the nineties. It was about business. But I started doing a lot of talent shows and contest to get my feet wet from SOB’s to Wet lands etc. I did every hip hop competition and reggae competition and won all of them.
How did you meet Poc Fu and Moc Fu and eventually form Fu Schnickens?
Poc and I are childhood friends. We knew each other as kids. That's my family right there. Moc and Poc went to high school together. They formed the group, and I was the last member to join. From there we didn’t stop. We stayed focused until we got our deal etc and started putting out music.
What are your thoughts on the state of Hip Hop today? And does it show more now, or the difference between a Hip Hop MC and a Rapper? Is Hip Hop as respected today by “Rappers” to you?
Hip Hop is what it is today. Sometimes, I feel some aren’t putting enough time and effort into the creative side of things including artist and label. Some artists respect the steps made by pioneers and others don’t. So, you have a few who respect the culture but then there are some who don’t.
As of today, what do you want our readers to know about your current Music and do you plan on releasing more music?
Yes!! New music on the way. Single called “like us” in July. Ep in August and album In November! All being released through my own imprint distributed through SRG/ Universal / Virgin.
You have songs going viral currently. How does that feel to know that your music is still just as well received and inspiring to many currently?
It feels good to know that I still can create music that would inspire and catch the attention of authentic listeners. So, I can’t wait to see the response to my album Called "Royal blood."
Tell our readers more about your Label "Blaq ink" Ent. And about the newest projects to come in the near future like “Royal Blood” EP for August release and are there more projects to come?
Well blaqink is my own imprint that deals with music and film. The first release will be my album and EP. There will also be a straight reggae lovers rock project I’m working on also and an afrobeat project. So, the team and I are working (shout to Steph and Ducada )

I was a sophomore in High School when “F.U. Don’t take it personal” was released. I been a Hip Hop Fan since 83. And Fu-Schnickens was a big part of that growing Love for Hip Hop for me. Do you recall, what grew your love for Hip Hop, and was it a group, Solo Artist or just the scene at the time?
Well, what grew the love for hip hop for me was the elements
Graffiti, break dancing, DJing and emceeing. Then it was Slick Rick, LL, RunDMC , Beastie Boys and a ton of other emcees.
Why do you feel, there are less groups and mainly solo Artists today? Especially when compared to the 80’s n 90’s.
I really can’t answer that
You’ve had many Artists from Shaq to Eminem n more, site you and Fu Schnickens as inspirations for them. What kind of feeling does that invoke or does it get “Business as Usual” feeling to you?
It’s a dream come true to hear that I / we have inspired a lot of people and now they are all speaking out about it. Beem sampled true fu schnick and did a wicked joint. So, inspiring those artists coming up after us is incredible.
As a Hip Hop’er, I have a lot of questions. But Time is valuable, so with that, is there anything from this interview that you want our readers to know more about Chip Fu and what’s to come from Blaq Ink Ent.?
Well just know, the wait is over! "Royal Blood" the album is on the way! No more pausing and waiting. I got a ton of music to put out.