Billy J

RnB Music is slowly starting to regain its standing with Music listeners, again. As we find more RnB talent to bring to our readers, we hope you enjoy their interviews and learn more about each Artist. So lets find out more about Billy J, an RnB Artist out of Detroit, Michigan who has a wide range of RnB Music, and who has been working tirelessly to please the ears of RnB Fans who are looking for music with substance,
Can you tell us, what made you want to become an Artist?
Singing has been in my blood since birth but I did not start singing until I was seven years old. I grew up around a musical family but I didn’t realize it was something I wanted to do until I was in high school and knew at that moment that music makes me happy. I started writing songs during my ninth grade year of high school but I was very hesitant to let people hear my music, but I eventually got over that fear and started recording songs for my first album “One Step Closer”
How much of your Artistry, resembles your Life?
Actually, a lot of it resembles my life, and throughout the years I’ve become more confident and secure, and my listeners can hear that along my musical journey. On the other hand, I’m much more reserved and quiet, but when it’s time to perform Billy J steps up and takes over.
What were some of your influences in Life and Music?
This is a very good question because musically I’ve had so many influences such as: Luther Vandross, The Temptations, The Sylistics, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston just to name a few. I have a very old soul and that comes from my mom and other family members listening to these artist during my younger years, and helped shape and mold me into the artist I am today. My mom is also a huge influence to me seeing how she raised myself and my two brothers as a single mother, and losing my older brother. Her strength and resilience, made me tough and realizing I can get through anything.
Tell the readers, why they should give your music a chance?
My catalogue is R&B with a few popish tracks but the most part I’m a R&B artist with influences from that list of the artist I gave you earlier. I love writing about love, love making, hurt love, unapologetic love. I truly believe that every man has grown through at least one of the things I’ve gone through. My lastest album “Black Tie Affair” is about being in love, communicating the affects of love on a grown man level.
What can the people expect, when they see you performing live?
People can expect to always be entertained. I’m an artist that leaves my heart and soul on the stage. Sometimes, I’ve lost myself too much while performing, especially when the songs are very personal to me and I become emotional but all the while still connecting with the audience.
What are some of the things that you may look for, to inspire you to write a song?
Songwriting comes from many different things for me personally. It could come from a relationship that I’ve seen someone go through and write a song based on how I think they should feel, what they should’ve said. Again, inspiration for me can come from how I’m feeling at the moment about anything. A lot of times, writing is my therapy and it helps me grieve and cope.

You ventured off into Movies. What brung acting about and what part of your Music helps you with Acting?
Acting is another passion of mine and it's something that I’ve always wanted to do, but was scared for many years, but during the pandemic, I embraced those fears and jumped head first and realized I love it and wanted to do more of it. Eventually writing and directing one day.
Music and acting go hand in hand in order for me to perform a song from 5 or 6 years ago. I have to tap into the acting side to relive those moments and reveal those same emotions.
What is the music scene like in Detroit and also, are you pursuing more Movies?
The music scene I personally find it hard, when you're an artist like myself. There aren’t a lot of performing outlet, opportunities for us. However, I see the void and I’m working on something to help fill that void.
Also, are you pursuing more Movies?
Absolutely, want to pursue more movie roles. I want to perfect my acting skills. Allowing yourself to jump in and out of character is a good feeling and not everyone can do it.
After the Covid years, what was it like as far as your Artistry?? Was it like picking up and beginning all over again or just continuing on like nothing ever happened.
It was definitely hard but I used every moment of the lock down to focus on me, my craft, and the music. I began writing songs on how I felt, what I heard. Like for example, I had an aunt who lived in Tennessee and she would call just about every 2-3 days and asked when were we coming to see her and we would always say, hold on. Well, I turned “Hold On” into a song but it saddens me because she wasn’t able to hear that song because her spirit left this earth before it was mastered and released. So, for me it wasn’t picking up and starting all over again, but it made me sit down to focus on myself and my craft. Sometimes life gets away from us and we don’t necessarily enjoy the moments at that time, but the pandemic allowed me to enjoy the moments of writing and helped me keep my mental health together.
Is there anything that we may have left out, that you want the readers to know??
A lot of people don’t know that I have 4 albums released to date. “One Step Closer”, “Journey of a Man”, “Bipolar” and lastly “Black Tie Affair”.
I have a son who is 12 and he’s the reason I’m grinding so hard, so that I can leave a legacy for him to follow. I want to show him that anything he wants to accomplish in life he can do it, but he has to work hard for it and that things aren’t going to be easily handed to him.
My music is steaming on all digital platforms and can be found on IG @billyjmusic.